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faster than you can blink.

BayFinder bay suggestion

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We're launching in Croatia and hope to expand to other areas over time. Leave your email to be informed when we launch in new areas and receive occasional updates.

Plan your sailing trip with a single tap

Find your destination
with a single tap

Save hours of planning with a chart and pencil and checking the weather forecast. Open the BayFinder app, select one of our recommended destinations and go! We already did all the hard work.

Tailored to your preferences

Whether you are looking for nice food, a secluded swimming bay, the best night sky view or to top up your fridge with fresh beer - we have an option for you. Or, just let BayFinder's engine guide you to a popular destination.

BayFinder takes into consideration your preferences
BayFinder keeps your safe from adverse weather and waves

Get there safely

With tens of millions of nautical miles of experience and continuous monitoring of weather conditions, the BayFinder engine only suggests safe destinations. Embarking on an adventure was never less risky.

Where to next?

BayFinder found a magical bay just for you. Planning was our part, enjoying is yours! Take a nice picture and let BayFinder worry about tomorrow. Sailing was never so easy and fun.

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